Domain And Range Of Inverse Trigonometric Functions Class 12

Mathematics notes for class 12 chapter 2 inverse trigonometric functions inverse function if y f x and x g y are two functions such that f g y y and g f y x then f and y are said to be inverse of each other i e g f 1 if y f x then x f 1 y inverse trigonometric functions.
Domain and range of inverse trigonometric functions class 12. It has been explained clearly below. The inverse trigonometric functions play an important role in calculus for they serve to define many integrals. Now y sin 1 x y π 2 π 2 and x 1 1. More clearly from the range of trigonometric functions we can get the domain of inverse trigonometric functions.
That is range of sin x is 1 1 and also we know the fact domain of inverse function range of the function. List class 12 trigonometry formulas. Trigonometric functions are many one functions but we know that inverse of function exists if the function is bijective. Domain and range of inverse trigonometric functions.
Important questions for cbse class 12 maths inverse trigonometric functions november 17 2015 by sastry cbse important questions for cbse class 12 maths inverse trigonometric functions. R 1 1. Already we know the range of sin x. If we restrict the domain of trigonometric functions then these functions become objective and the inverse of trigonometric functions are defined within the restricted domain.
Sin 1 x cos 1 x tan 1 x cosec 1 x sec 1 x and cot 1 x should not be confused. Here we will learn the domain and range of trigonometric functions. Domain and range of inverse. Domain of inverse trigonometric functions.
Let y f x sin x then its inverse is x sin 1 y. Ii there is only one value among these values which lies in the interval π 2 π 2. The concepts of inverse trigonometric functions is also used in science and engineering. Range and domain of trigonometric functions the domain and ranges of inverse trigonometric functions are given in the following table.
2 2 basic concepts in class xi we have studied trigonometric functions which are defined as follows. If we restrict the domain of trigonometric functions then these functions become bijective and the inverse of trigonometric functions are defined within the restricted domain. Cbse class 12 mathematics contains inverse trigonometric functions. In class 12 maths we come across a different aspect of trigonometry which is inverse trigonometric functions.
Sine function i e sine. This is called inverse trigonometric function. Learn the concepts of class 12 maths inverse trigonometric functions with videos and stories. The inverse of f is denoted by f 1.
The basic trig functions are sin cos tan cot sec and cosec. I thus sin 1 x has infinitely many values for given x 1 1.