Domain Controller Password Policy

Expand domains your domain then group policy objects.
Domain controller password policy. Do one of the following. If you create another gpo with different password settings and apply it to the specific ou its settings will be ignored. The way the password policy works is that this gpo and the settings contained within this gpo configure the domain controllers dcs and the active directory databases located on them. This ensures that the members of the domain have a consistent experience regardless of which domain controller they use to log on.
Open the group policy management console 2. Get the default domain password policy from the logged on user domain ps c get addefaultdomainpasswordpolicy current loggedonuser. The domain controller the owner of fsmo s pdc emulator role manages the domain password policy. Backup means it is not a primary domain controllers pdc.
Because domain controllers share the same account database for the domain certain security settings must be set uniformly on all domain controllers. To edit default domain policy settings you must have the domain administrator. This command gets the default domain password policy from current logged on user domain. Usually a domain password policy is configured in the gpo named default domain policy.
Domain controllers pull some security settings only from group policy objects linked to the root of the domain. There are two commands which check the password policy. Get the default domain password policy from the current local computer. To open the domain controller security policy in the console tree locate grouppolicyobject computername policy click computer configuration click windows settings and then click security settings.
Net accounts checks local password policies on a server net accounts domain checks the domain password policy on a server domain policy always wins over a local policy. It is the responsibility of the dcs and databases located on them to filter each and every password that is attempted to be written to the database to ensure the password meets the password policy settings. Click local policies to edit the audit policy a user rights assignment or security options. Double click account policies to edit the password policy account lockout policy or kerberos policy.
Now navigate to computer configuration policies windows settings security settings account policies password policy.