Domain Driven Design Distilled Pdf

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Essentials apr 16 2017 one of many technical debts that i have with myself it rsquo s ddd which came to light one day of 2013 when my boss at that time just entered the office waving a copy of the ddd bible saying that it was a recomendation of a friend. Evans domain driven design ch15distillation ddd. Domain driven design 这本书的中文版已经由清华大学出版社在 2006 年出版 人民邮电出版社图灵出版公司新近即将出版这本书的 中文注释版 据我了解该书得到了读者的认可 由此可见领域驱动 设计这一概念正在或者已经得到了国内开发者社区的认可 关于领域驱动设计的重要性 本书作者之一 floyd. 0 retweets 0 likes.
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Domaindriven design distilled vaughn vernon domaindriven design distilled brings ddd to life whether you re a developer architect analyst consultant or customer vernon helps you truly.