Domain Eukarya Protista Examples

Life on earth is genuinely very diverse hence to easily distinguish living organisms early scientists classified them into two kingdoms.
Domain eukarya protista examples. Eukarya includes eukaryotic organisms. Protists that are capable of photosynthesis include various types of algae diatoms dinoflagellates and euglena. Eukaryotic cells are typically resistant to antibacterial antibiotics. Some autotrophs some heterotrophs.
However during the 19th century this classification was challenged by numerous pieces of evidence that were just too insufficient to explain such diversity. These are organisms with cells that contain a nucleus as well as membrane bound organelles. Some with cell walls some without. Description kingdom protista is the most diverse of all the kingdoms.
Classifications are still difficult due to the huge variations of traits in protista. Read about it on p. Where do they live. Eukarya protists are singled cell organisms like bacteria and archaea.
Animalia animals and plantae plants. Examples of protists include algae amoebas euglena plasmodium and slime molds. These organisms are often unicellular but can form colonies. Autotropic and heterotrophic examples.
Eukaryotic number of cells. Slime molds and giant kelp. The kingdoms most associated with eukarya are the plantae. Choose from 500 different sets of eukarya domain eukarya protists flashcards on quizlet.
Learn eukarya domain eukarya protists with free interactive flashcards. But they are eukaryotic organisms. Protists are eukaryotes that are not animals plants or fungi. Examples include algae amoeba fungi molds yeast ferns mosses flowering plants sponges insects and mammals.
Kingdom protista protists are any eukaryote that is not a plant animal or fungus most are single cells or colonies of a single cell type kingdom protista. Some unicellular some multicellular. They also contain chlorophyll a pigment which absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. Didinium protist devouring a paramecium protist that is longer than it is.
Organisms in this domain include protists fungi plants and animals.