Domain Join Log File Location

Troubleshooting domain controller deployment 03 20 2019 26 minutes to read 5 in this article applies to.
Domain join log file location. Join domain or workgroup actually attempts to do the join itself. Resolution make sure that the dc through which you are trying to join the domain has the windows time service started. Troubleshooting network issues tools for troubleshooting table 1 network troubleshooting tools arp how to identify a problem with the arp. For other windows clients see the article troubleshooting hybrid azure active directory joined down level devices.
For more information see the windows time service may generate event id 7023 after you upgrade to windows server 2003 service pack 1. At the time it was a member of a windows 2000 domain but that domain was being decommissioned and all of the file servers were moved to the new windows 2003 domain. Review this file after deployment to determine why the attempt to join the domain failed. Troubleshooting hybrid azure active directory joined devices 11 21 2019 12 minutes to read 10 in this article the content of this article is applicable to devices running windows 10 or windows server 2016.
One log file details the entire process of joining the domain. Ensure that the domain controller hosting the rid. If the join attempt fails then the join domain or workgroup step will fail and report status to the task sequence manager. When you audit active directory events windows server 2003 writes an event to the security log on the domain controller.
For example if a user tries to log on to the domain by using a domain user account and the logon attempt is unsuccessful the event is recorded on the domain controller and not on the computer where the logon attempt was made. Kb 892501 the directory service has exhausted the pool of relative identifiers. Ensure that the domain controller through which you are trying to perform the domain join has the windows time service started. Look for the section with today s date to watch the process from the beginning or go to the bottom of the file to see the last attempt and why it failed.
Join domain or workgroup is not designed to work with capture network settings by default so you ll have to add a custom step if you want to use the two together.