Domain Knowledge Neural Network

Injective domain knowledge in neural networks for transprecision computing february 2020 authors.
Domain knowledge neural network. Most of the attempts in this direction have been in the area of data classification in which sub classes created with the help of domain experts have led to better neural networks. Bdkann biological domain knowledge based artificial neural network for drug response prediction oliver snow1 hossein sharifi noghabi1 jialin lu1 olga zolotareva2 mark lee1 and martin ester1 1school of computing science simon fraser university 2. In recent years the large amount of labeled data available has also helped tend research toward using minimal domain knowledge e g in deep neural network research. Incorporation of domain knowledge into neural network attempts to address this lacuna.
The real time prediction capabilities allow for a physician to quickly navigate the tradeoff space for a patient and produce a dose distribution as a tangible endpoint for the dosimetrist to use for planning. Since this is a crucial task we are introducing domain knowledge to exploit the full power of approximating very complex functions with neural networks. Expert human domain specific knowledge can be the largest driver in the performance improvement and adversarial learning can be used to further capture nuanced attributes in the data. Can domain knowledge be useful in such a setting.
Modeling a user s domain knowledge with neural networks article pdf available in international journal of human computer interaction 9 1 25 40 march 1997 with 39 reads how we measure reads. Appears in artificial intelligence volume 69 or 70. However in many situations data is limited and of poor quality. In this paper we propose domain adapted neural networks dann to explore how.
Submitted 1 92 final pre publication revisions 8 94 knowledge based artificial neural networks geoffrey g. Domain knowledge e g in deep neural network research.