Domain Name Owner Details

The whois domain database is a listing of all registered domains and is regularly used for various legal purposes network administrators use the whois lookup to identify and fix problems.
Domain name owner details. A whois ip search can also help you potentially determine the source of spam and other details related to a website. Additionally some registries proactively conceal some information in order to comply with local data privacy protection laws. Current registrar and name servers. Get verified whois information for any domain name check domain availability for free.
For instance whois information can be used to check domain name availability identify trademark infringement and keep domain name registrants accountable. If the owner of a domain name has used the privacy protection services of their registrar some details may be hidden within the whois lookup results. Whois verification can even be utilized to combat. The whois service offered by netim and the access to the records in the whois database are provided for information purposes only.
Depending on the registry policy use it as a means to contact the registrant of registered domains. A whois lookup identifies the administrator contact information billing contact and the technical contact for each domain name listing or ip in the whois database. Find out what date a domain name has been registered and when it s due to expire. When you register a domain name icann the internet corporation for assigned names and numbers requires your registrar to submit your personal contact information to the whois database this listing will include your name address phone number email address and domain name expiration date.
Reasons for contacting the domain owner may include general and technical inquiries domain sale inquiries as well as information in the event of possible misuse of the domain or domain name. Between that and gdpr legislation the whois directory is no longer a reliable way to find a domain owner s personal contact information. In addition to looking up a domain by ip whois lookup can also. Register domain names at best prices and host your own website.
Many domain registrars now offer domain name privacy which keeps the owner s personal information from being listed in the whois directory. Our tool will allow you to search the whois for most top level domains in order to learn the registrant information as well as the nameservers and associated ip addresses. It allows the public to check whether a specific domain name is still available or not and to obtain information related to the registration records of existing domain names.