Domain Value Function Module In Sap

Call function domain value get exporting i domname z cc funktion i domvalue lv domvalue importing e ddtext lv ddtext.
Domain value function module in sap. Function group in sap abap. Call function dd domvalues get exporting domname rfbsk your domain here text x langu sy langu tables dd07v tab idd07v exceptions wrong textflag 1 others 2. There are other fm s as well. As the following fig shows the fixed value for the domain xfeld are the code is as follows.
Häufig hat man die anforderung den text von festwerten zu einer domäne zu ermitteln. Idd07v type table of dd07v with header line. Lv ddtext type dd07v ddtext lv domvalue type dd07v domvalue l. As long as you have variable defined with reference to domain.
If the domain is restricted to having only fixed values then enter the fixed values or intervals. The value is always rounded in a negative direction to the smaller value. Useful class methods. However the advantage of using this fm is that unlike other fm s you have the option to fetch the text as and when required.
Recently i ve found this elegant way which doesn t require to specify domain name. Funktionsbaustein domain value get. Use this function module to retrieve the values. Function group is a container of function modules every function module must be saved in a function group.
When using round with floating point types real and double the precision of the numeric representation can affect the result that will be obtained. All these methods requires you to specify domain name or some would say require you to hardcode domain name. Sxms get domain text will return single text for a given value bkk domain texts read will return all the texts in a given language hr ben get f4 domval and text gives a pop up to select the value and returns the selected value. Define the value table if the system has to propose this table as a check table while defining a foreign key for the fields referring to this domain.
To get domain fixed value description in past i have used function modules dd domvalues get dd doma get and select from table dd07l. Step 6 save your. Unlike include programs function modules can be executed independently. Function modules are sub programs which contains set of re usable statements with importing exporting parameters exceptions.
Function modules are sub programs that contain a set of reusable statements with importing and exporting parameters. Open se37 sap transaction code before you create function module you have to create function group via menu goto function group create group. By default round function uses round half up. Function modules make up a major part of a sap system because for years sap has modularized code using function modules allowing for code reuse by themselves their developers and also by their customers.
Step 5 select the value range tab. Entered the name of your function group and short text description then press save button.