Domain Knowledge In Software Engineering

In software engineering domain knowledge is knowledge about the environment in which the target system operates for example software agents.
Domain knowledge in software engineering. Domain knowledge is knowledge of a specific specialized discipline or field in contrast to general knowledge or domain independent knowledge. In other words during application development the domain is the sphere of knowledge and activity around which the application logic revolves. In software engineering domain knowledge is awareness of the environment in which the target system operates. For a successful project an accurate requirement is very important.
Domain knowledge is a key factor in gathering requirements. In my opinion the core and foremost important qualification of a programmer should be the technical knowledge in his specialty stack. It is a key concept in systematic software reuse. The decision to enrol for.
Domain knowledge allow a programmer to move to other careers if he she so wishes but defining and documenting domain knowledge is not obvious without a certification courses or a degree. Requirement engineering has received much attention in research and practice due to its importance to software project success. Domain knowledge is important because it usually must be learned from software end users in the domain as domain specialists or experts rather than from software developers. Explicit domain knowledge in software engineering maja d hondt system and software engineering lab vrije universiteit brussel belgium mjdhondt vub ac be january 6 2002 1 research areas this research is about making knowledge about the domain of.
With a passion in software engineering he was motivated to further his education. The term is often used in reference to a more general discipline as for example in describing a software engineer who has general knowledge of programming as well as domain knowledge about the pharmaceutical industry. I have always been inclined to work in the area of software engineering and i felt a need to enhance and deepen my knowledge in the domain he says.